
Did a pipe break? Accidental leave a basement window open? Have a leak in your ceiling? 

We all understand that water is suppose to be in your house but only coming out your faucets not on your carpet and upholstery. 

Give Lake Odessa Carpet Care a call and we can help. 

When it comes to your home and your belongings you can have peace of mind that we are going to get the job done in a professional manner and try to get your life back in order as quickly as possible. We understand that life can be overwhelming just doing everyday life and now it may feel like you just got thrown a curve ball. Don't worry we are here to help. 

  • Give us a call as soon as you know there is a problem. We sill send out our highly qualified technicians to take a look at the problem and to give you the reassurance that everything will be alright.  
  • Our technicians will assess the damage, write out a quote, and sit down with you to go over everything. Making sure you understand and agree with how to take care of the damage at affordable price. 
  • When we have discussed everything and come to an agreement our technicians will get started cleaning up the damage and getting your life back in order. 
  • We want to help you take care of your investment and get to what is more important, YOUR LIFE!